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In my experiences with learning mathematics, teaching mathematics, and conducting research in mathematics education, I consistently reflect on the gatekeeper role of mathematics, wondering who has a key to access the gate and who does not; I also wonder why this is the case. As a researcher and educator, I continue working hard to promote equity and social justice in mathematics education!


Early Educational Impact


Elementary School Picture, 1992

My educational journey started from here. It was a village elementary school in northern China. There were around 40 students and three teachers at that time.  Most students did not complete middle school. Only three students went to high school and two of them went to college. I am the only one who has a master’s degree and a doctoral degree. I appreciate the opportunities provided by education, meanwhile, I consistently reflect on those people from underrepresented communities who were systematically excluded from education.


Teaching as Knowing 

Morning Reading, 2015

In the urban diverse school where I taught for eight years, many students were “floating children” (i.e., children from rural or sub-urban are brought to the city by their migrant parents who seek job opportunities). They often had interrupted education and struggled to develop a positive identity in education. After nine years of compulsory education, many of them attended vocational school then went to work soon after; only a few went to college. Through teaching diverse students, I recognize that individuals’ identity, choice, and opportunity are shaped as well as limited by their social positions.




Through my Ph.D. training, I have acquired knowledge and experiences that allow me to find a way in my scholarship to advocate for minorities in education. I bring my own educational and teaching experiences into my scholarship and fully embrace the new status as a researcher and an educator!

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